John 18:1-8 (NIV)
1 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it. 2 Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. 3 So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. 4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” 5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. 7 Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?” “Jesus of Nazareth,” they said. 8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.”
Bitten, Yet BlessedSometimes life can deal unfair and unexpected circumstance that elicits immobilizing pain.
"Bitten, Yet Blessed" is a message for those that have faced the hurt of life's venomous hardships and have extracted the PURPOSE from the PAIN. |
Boat JumpersThis is one of my favorite messages. Sometimes life will require you to take a leap of faith, moving from one situation to another at a moment's notice.
"Boat Jumpers" is a guarantee to spark you to move on PURPOSE, leaving the weight of your past stagnation in favor of enjoying the freedom of moving on toward healing., |
Difference MakersMany situations in life require people to people to step up to the challenge and bravely face opposition. In comic books and movies, we call these people "superheroes" because they have a penchant for attaining victory when facing seemingly insurmountable odds.
"Difference Makers" is a message for superheroes that are committed to making a difference a positive change in the world when facing life's most daunting challenges. |
Faith For The FireWhen life turns up the pressure, it is essential that we can reach for our faith in God to give us the strength to endure strife and strategically fight back.
"Faith For the Fire" is a message of encouragement to those facing the odds and looking to fight FIRE with FIRE. |
Fed For the FireThe phrase "you are what you eat" echoes throughout my mind when listening to this message. Often, when life gets stressful, we reach for comfort foods that satisfy our taste buds but lack proper nutrition for our body.
"Fed For the Fire" is an encouraging topic that discusses the importance of spiritually feasting on the positive when facing times of pressure, conflict, and stress. |
Greeted By The GardenerAs believers living on Earth, we all have a garden to tend to, much like Adam & Eve. "Greeted By the Gardener" is a message of faith, using the garden as a symbolic place of both expected and unexpected growth.
Within this garden, the good grows with the bad, and believers must rely on the ultimate gardener, God, to both plant the fruits of the spirit and uproot anything that kills positive growth. God is always within our garden moments, and this message will show you that your life and garden are in His hands. |
Investment Strategies, Part 1This is part one of a two-part series that teaches believers the power of investing in self by teaching five personal growth strategies. This message is for people looking to walk in faith and take the next step toward success in life. I guarantee you that these investment strategies will help you see that you are worthy of your investment.
Investment Strategies, Part 2This is part two of a two-part series that teaches believers the power to invest in the people we encounter each day. Using the first part of this series as a backdrop, this message challenges one to seek opportunities to be a resource within any given space.
As someone that is "gifted," it is now your opportunity to invest your presence in the world. |
Moving On PurposeAre you the type of person that chases PURPOSE or perfection? "Moving On Purpose" is an enlightening message that teaches how to use purpose as a solid foundation to walk upon when embracing the difficulties of the past, challenges of the present, and the unknown of the future.
Everything happens on PURPOSE... |
Rebuilding In WarRebuilding is tough to do, especially in war-like situations in which energy is low, raw emotions, and personal loss is catastrophic. How do we pick up the pieces of life when pain is so crippling and life has dealt a bad hand at an inconvenient time?
"Rebuilding In War" is a message for believers that are in the fight for their lives and are looking to gain victory when facing extreme odds. There is power in your hands... you have to start building! |
Separation, Preparation, DestinationWe all have a purpose in life attached to a journey that takes us to a place of promise. These purposeful journeys require one to "pack light," leaving behind all that isn't necessary to attain everything needed.
"Separation, Preparation, and Destination" is a beautiful message of encouragement to those who journey to a specific destination that God has revealed. |
Love: Serving SelflesslyThe older I get, the more I realize that my life and existence are not about me. Much of my life's purpose is investing spiritually, emotionally, and financially into others. I believe that God has given us hands to give just as much as they are used to receive.
"Love: Serving Selflessly" is a message to those who purpose-driven to serve people using the most powerful tool that God has given us: love. If revenge is a dish best served cold, I would assume that love is a feast best served with a warm heart. |
The Hands of the ShepherdThis message is the bookend to "The Heart of the Shepherd," examining the power of a shepherd's hands as they are equally used for protection and provision. There is so much power within your hands. "The Hands of the Shepherd" will enlighten your soul by illuminating how influential your "handy-work" is as a leader of people.
The Sound of MovementAs an avid college football fan, I love hearing the band play, signaling to the home crowd that their team is about to run onto the food and enter the field of play. There is something about that sound that builds a level of expectation, indicating that something unique is about to occur. Like royalty entering into a kingdom to the sound of trumpets, your very movement should elicit a powerful sound that lets people know of your arrival.
"The Sound of Movement" is a message for believers that understand that greatness, innovation, and revolution is not meek or silent. Actual change has a sound when built by the hands of God. |